Academy Ballroom's next dance and new training classes

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Academy Ballroom's next dance and new training classes

Postby KayKay » Sun Jun 18, 2006 11:41 am

Academy Ballroom is having their next semi-formal dance on the first Saturday, July 1. The time is from 8:00 P.M. - 10:30 P.M. and it is $10 each.
Academy Ballroom has also announced the following training classes that Eddie and Nancy are putting on in the month of July:
07/05/06 New American Smooth Style Class With Eddie and Nancy
07/12/06 Latin Dance Aerobic Class With Eddie and Nancy
07/19/06 New American Smooth Style Class With Eddie and Nancy
07/26/06 Latin Dance Aerobic Class With Eddie and Nancy
07/22/06 Latin Technique With Eddie Ares

for more information visit:

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