"Now Hiring" at Allegro Dance Studio

Are you a ballroom dancer in Atlanta? Please tell us about what's happening.

"Now Hiring" at Allegro Dance Studio

Postby admin » Sun Aug 06, 2006 11:46 pm

Teach at Allegro!

Allegro is a dynamic, growing ballroom that needs dance instructors for its ever-expanding student body. Allegro's fun, friendly environment combined with our beautiful, upscale studio makes our studio a wonderful place to work. We have two immediate openings:

Front desk administrator and receptionist: Allegro is looking for an upbeat individual with excellent customer service and organizational skills. This position offers room for growth and enables you to develop management skills that will help you progress rapidly.

Male instructor: 3-5 years of experience teaching ballroom dancing, American and/or International style, is desired. Come be a member of the best teaching team in the city!

If you would like to work in an exciting team environment with talented coworkers who are passionate about what they do, then Allegro is the ballroom for you. We are constantly exploring new, innovative ways to teach dancing as well as advancing the careers of our instructors.

To schedule an interview , call the studio at 770-417-3588, or drop by the ballroom and fill out an employment application.

Site Admin
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